How do I get an NHS Health Check?
You can have an NHS Health Check if you’re aged 40-74 and you haven’t had a stroke, or don’t already have heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease.
If this applies to you, you can expect to receive a NHS Health Check every five years.
Will I get my NHS Health Check from my GP?
Yes. Dr Kaul’s surgery offer an NHS health Check also known as CVD to patient ages 40-74years.
Why aren’t people under the age of 40 or over the age of 74 eligible?
People under the age of 40 aren’t included in the NHS Health Check programme because younger people have a lower risk of the health conditions tested for in the NHS Health Check.
We aim to improve the care and support given to the over 75’s population. We will provide health checks to improve early diagnosis and health screening. Please make an appointment to attend the surgery to see our Practice Nurse or Health Care Assistant. They will provide assessment and screening of your health and social care issues based on questions and measurements. Following this you will receive personalised advise and if needed, an onward referral or signposting to appropriate support services
For more information on a NHS health check (CVD) please see link below